Weirdest thing you have heard about hypnosis: That it allows Satan access to your brain

When in hypnosis we're dealing with the unconscious mind (some call it the subconscious)--something important to remember about the unconscious mind is that it's in charge of your values (religious and otherwise)--which means if you wouldn't normally cluck like a chicken in public, under hypnosis, you won't either---when you're under hypnosis you unconscious is on high alert to keep you safe and protect your values

When hypnosis is being used as entertainment the hypnotists from the very beginning of the show look for specific behaviors and attitudes from their audience members which tells them who to choose to come up and act silly

It's important when working with a professional for your health--mental, physical, and be able to trust them--highly important in hypnosis because rapport is one of the most important things a hypnotist needs to be able to help their clients and rapport is built on trust